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Resume List
Category: Airlines
Function: Other
Profile Status: Actively seeking a new opportunity
I'm looking for: Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement, Project Mangement PMO , Quality Assurance,
Education Level: Masters
Mobility: Wiling to relocate- in country
Location: Miami, Florida, United States
Category: Airlines
Function: Other
Profile Status: Actively seeking a new opportunity
I'm looking for: Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement, Project Mangement PMO , Quality Assurance,
Education Level: Masters
Mobility: Wiling to relocate- in country
Category: Airlines
Function: Other
Profile Status: Actively seeking a new opportunity
I'm looking for: Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement, Project Mangement PMO , Quality Assurance,
Education Level: Masters
Mobility: Wiling to relocate- in country
Category: Airlines
Function: Operations
Profile Status: Actively seeking a new opportunity
I'm looking for: Strategy, planning, chief of staff, director of operations
Education Level: Bachelors
Mobility: Wiling to relocate- in country
Category: Airlines
Function: Engineering
Profile Status: Actively seeking a new opportunity
I'm looking for: career opportunities
Education Level: Masters
Mobility: Willing to relocate- anywhere